
Wellesley courses

When picking courses, students must consider prereqs, professors, distributions, etc. The tools students use to plan out their college classes are scattered across various sites.


Managed team of 6 designers, designed the vision, & implemented the site in 1 month


Managed 6 designers

I had the priviledge of managing a team of six designers. I deligated work, built new design skills, and provided career advice.

Implemented a web app from scratch

I periodically work on implementation projects to keep my coding skills sharp and to learn more about engineering.

The experience

Search for classes, make a schedule, and ensure you're on track to graduate.

Schedule builder

Plan out your schedule for the upcoming semester. Schedule builder automatically notifies students of overlapping classes.


View all course offerings

Students can see what courses are offered next semester and monitor all prerequisites for their classes.


Distribution requirements

Students can quickly make sure that they are on track to graduate through our distributions page.

Rate your professors

Learn more about your institution's professors without leaving the site to check Rate-My-Professor


Product considerations


The visual design of Wellesley’s course browser was outdated, so it needed a full reskin.


Housing four features in-house

Housing all necessary features to create one's own schedule will reduce churn away from the site.


The details

UX engineering allowed for sharp attention to detail and ownership over the entire user experience.

Clear feedback

Provide users with feedback when they make mistake or when the system is working.


Microinteraction detail

Building the design library from scratch allowed for using scaleable components.


Beginning to end experience

Designed each step of multi-step flows.
